Monday, 28 February 2011

Opening scenes

Before we could proceed with the filming of our actual preliminary task, we analysed several opening sequences to gain insight and ideas on specific camera angles/editing/sound/mise en scene, included in opening sequences. As a class, we watched the opening sequence of Silence Of the Lambs and we notice it’s a thriller-based film. This was connoted through the dark atmosphere and serious tone of the tense orchestral incidental music and serious dialogue. Firstly we gained the idea that Clarisse Starling (Jodie Foster) was in some sort ofdanger when the long shot shows her running through the forest alone.

As the sequence continued it became apparent that Clarisse was an intelligent woman considering she worked in a lab.

The use of the lab in the opening sequence also gave the audience the impression that the film is not only a thriller based film but had further psychological aspects to it. Furthermore her intelligence was again reflected through her high status job and the mid shot when in the lift with only men, who are in fact dressed in the same uniform which conveys her independence and confident attitude; allowing her to stand out from the crowd.

However the mid shot also shows that she is towered over by the males yet is not dominated in any way as she seems more relaxed in her surroundings as opposed to being tense or anxious.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Preliminary Task

By doing the Preliminary task it helped it understand certain aspects of filming and editing. During the time in which we produced the preliminary task we found difficulties in maintaining the 180degree rule, this lead to us having to develop and complete it again, until correct. The problems which we encountered were that we didn't shoot from the correct side, resulting in an uneven match of the eye-line match. After watching the whole preliminary task and analyzing it, it became apparent that the majority of it didn't flow well even though we did have very good individual shots. To overcome this problem we decided to re-shoot the whole of our task to a better quality. We did this by using the cameras provided, which were essentially very easy to use once shown. We were shown how to use a tripod in order to shoot a panning shot, this worked to our advantage as we hope to use this in our main task. Once our preliminary footage was completed and stored on the camera, we opened editing software (final cut pro 7) to develop our sequence. This consisted of us merging the shots together to produce an understandable and easy to follow continuity sequence. Overall the team work of our group worked in our favor as it helped us to fulfill all expectations. Each member of the group made sure their attendance and punctuality was consistent throughout all lessons so there was an equal contribution.

Beforehand, we made a shot list of the different type of shots we wanted in our film. At approximately 22seconds we included an over the shoulder shot reverse shot. We used this shot to convey effect in the heated conversation between the two characters. The first shot shows character A (Leah Fraser) explaining that she isn't comfortable in her surroundings; the second half of the shot reverse shot shows character B (Rebecca Gorvette) replying to what is said to her. Each shot involves the characters expressing facial expressions which connotes the way they're feeling.

Most of our shots include match cuts which help fulfill standard continuity. We achieved one specific match cut by shooting a close up shot of character B opening a door handle; we then joined it with another long shot showing character B walking away from the door.

Prelimary task - Completed video

1.Long shot- character A walking towards the door across the room

2.Close up- handle of door

3.Close up- character A’s hand on handle

4.Medium shot- character A opens the door

5.Long shot- shows the room of chairs and tables and character B already seated

6.Medium shot-character B sat down on chair

7.Tracking long shot- character A walking to sit down

8.Long shot – character A and B sat down facing each other

9.Over the shoulder close up – Character A

10. Over the shoulder close up – Character B

11.Eye line shot from character A to look in the direction it cam from


Character A- ‘there something really creepy about this house don’t you think’

Character B – ‘ Ino there is an eerie atmosphere, I wish mum would come home’

Sound effects

Bang and a mans voice